How to grow on Instagram in 2021 ?

 Today we are going to discuss how to grow on Instagram in 2021.

As we all know that recently Instagram updated their algorithm. Now it's very difficult to grow on Instagram but, not impossible. There are some points you should follow 

How to grow on Instagram in 2021

before moving ahead, do follow us on Instagram @Foodie_._Agra and comment your Instagram profile username so that everyone can interact with each other.

1. Increase the frequency of posting.

Instagram wants us to post as much content as possible. Therefore I recommend you to post a minimum of 2 to 3 posts per day.

2. Use all features of Instagram

Instagram has many features for content creation. Such as normal posts(photos and videos less than 1 min.), stories(vanishes in 24 hours), IGTV(videos more than 1 min.), reels(15 to 30 sec. videos), and Livestream.
Reels are the latest feature of their app, so a special focus on the reels. In reels use Instagram music instead of your audio.
Make your stories interactive, by adding polls or questions to your stories.
Instagram wants us to use there each and every feature of their app. 

3. Create saveable content

According to the new algorithm of Instagram, the number of likes does not matter. Now, the number of saves matters. 1 Save = 10 Likes

4. Improve the Quality of post

Instagram wants only quality content on its platform. so work on the quality of the post.

5. Use other platforms to bring your viewers to your profile

If you want to reach more audience, bring them from other platforms.
For example: if you publish your videos on youtube, request your viewers to follow you on Instagram.

hope these points will help you to grow your Instagram profile.
Thanks for coming here.


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